Once you had wished to become an adult as soon as possible, and your wish became true. Now you are a prosperous business-woman with full time tiresome job. You don’t have any free time to devote to your family, your husband, teenage daughter. But just recollect in your memory, how lonely were you at the age of 14?

“Adults never understand our problems!”… Misunderstanding between children and parents is the most common thing for teenagers to discuss. But if to look deeper, can parents really help their children to solve teenage problems? Let’s think, once our parents also were small and had almost the same thoughts and troubles. Do you follow me?

The first point is that our parents see themselves in us. While growing, children absorb beliefs, customs and even behavior of their parents. And it is something we can’t change or prevent even with the greatest desire. The second, and the most important, as for me, is that parents never take child’s opinion into consideration. Unfortunately they usually think that teenagers are too young to understand something in this “really difficult life” and to have own point of view. The third thing is about parents’ inability to solve teenage problems. I think that the border between childhood and adult life is the critical point of ones life. And I consider it to be the key to the all doors, cause when a person “crosses the line” the childhood ends for him and, as a result, he starts behaving himself as his parents did. But still, in most of the cases, a person realizes that childhood was the best thing he or she ever had…

Some time passes, and your own child appears. Naturally, you consider him to be the best child; you want him to study well, to behave perfect and not to have any problems you had in your childhood. And if it happens, you just don’t see it, because you are a prosperous business-woman and you don’t have any free time to devote to your family, your husband and teenage daughter…

Do you know what your child feels now?