Formerly there lived a Hamster
Little, weird, crazy gangster
He used to do some foolish things
Before the Life has pulled the strings
In every story now he dies…
The authors are the funny guys…)))))))

We would like to introduce you our new bestseller – “Adventures of Crazy Hamster; A Trip to Bobrujsk”. Hope, you will enjoy this delirium.
If you find a mistake in the text, just keep silence, as everything here is present with a strange purpose…

Hammy woke up early in the morning because of horrible screams in the living room. Everything in his cute and cozy hole was turned upside down and scattered around in disorder… in attack of fear Hammy took a huge knife with circular action and started roaming around the house in a search of assumed thieves. He even didn’t notice the cut corps of his relatives on the floor…

“It doesn’t matter now”, he said to himself “I could loose my precious collection of corn!”

When he didn’t find the collection, Hammy threw the knife somewhere to the kitchen and went out of his cute hole to take a two-hour trip to a supermarket near by, to steal some other sort of cornflakes from “Nestle” and to fulfill the loss.

Suddenly he saw a car and got into it… now the trip to the market had to take around 7 minutes )) approximately on the middle of the trip Hammy noticed a strange advertisement. A huge, weird animal smiling at him in an absolutely odd way was depicted there… when the crazy hamster peered at the big board, he realized, that the animal, he stared at, was a bear saying “if you are like me, visit Bobrujsk…”. The Hammy went towards…

As the scenery was changing, houses and clouds passing by, the hamster was bored and started to discover the car he was in. suddenly he saw a small but very attractive Fly in the corner.

“Baby…” Hammy whispered gently…

The Fly tried to escape, but it was impossible…

“Baby…” the hamster repeated “let’s have fun while driving, ha?”

But the Fly was stupid and tried to escape again. The Hamm’s craziness drew him mad and he ate the poor girl…

The car stopped near the entrance and the hamster went out of it. He had successfully passed the security and other obstacles and finally found the most wanted raw with the cornflakes. But suddenly a strange sign, which was pointing on the dark hole, attracted his attention. That particular moment, Hammy forgot about everything except the hole…and more he was looking at it, more curiosity it excited.

“Holy Shit!” he whispered in despair… “I want to go there”.

That moment two violet “eyes” appeared in the hole and started blinking… Hammy went closer and realized that, in fact, there were two little holes. He thought “that holes are so small… maybe some poor little hamsters live there without parents. I must find it out...”. he took the pack of the cornflakes and tried to feed “the eyes”… 220V!!!

The cornflakes fell down on the floor with the typical sound… the charwoman came with the broom and the dustpan and tacked the remains of the Hammy and the cornflakes. She threw the trash away to the waste-bin with undue familiarity.

P.S. a little silver cloud appeared above the waste-bin… it was the soul of the poor, crazy and really silly Hammy… let him rest in piece… †

© Lunacy & Elfik